Sunday, May 25, 2014

Overnight to Damascus, Va.

John and I made another overnight trip to Damascus, Virginia from Todd, NC. Unlike two years ago, when we ran into a hailstorm and cold rain (John nearly got hypothermia), this trip was warm and mostly sunny. Our route took us over many steep gravel roads that required walking our bikes. It was the closest one can get to backpacking with touring bikes.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Asheville to Boone

Ian and his girlfriend Sarah graduated from UNC-Ashevill on May 10th! We spent the day celebrating in Asheville with brownies, gifts, meals, and a movie. Next day, John, Emma, and I headed out to ride our bikes back to Boone, with Ian driving the sag-wagon. First stage- 30 mile ascent up the Blue Ridge Parkway. I think Emma was a bit stunned by the uphill. She told us she kept going thinking a downhill would be around the next corner. Guess we should have warned her. We rode 53 miles the first day, spent the night in Little Switzerland, and rode 43 miles the next day. Good training for Emma for Bike and Build. And thanks to Ian for keeping up with us, real enjoyed having the whole family together.